penguin chick pictureHI EVERYBODY!!

You guys are lucky. Lots of different colors and shapes and stuff to look at. We have pretty much just white and snow, with the exception of black and white penguins and the occasional walrus.

See you later!

As much fun as Vegas is, sometimes you just have to see something real and not lit at night.
A friend of Angie's met us while we were in Vegas and took us to Red Rock Canyon.
The pictures speak for themselves, as Mother Nature can always outdo anything man can make.

Entering nature
Red Rock, as advertised
Only nature can do variety like this.
I'll watch, you climb.
A rare shot of Angie & me.
Great butte shot.
Something completely different off in the distance
Greys and silvers
Layers and layers
An alien landscape, in the backyard
A hidey cave?

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All original works on this site are copyright © 2004 Phillip A Barker, Jr, (except where noted or owned by others), and are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.
*Emperor penguin chick photo courtesy of Guillaume Dargaud