penguin chick pictureHI EVERYBODY!!

Phil and Angie are both from Michigan and decided to go see a football game (whatever that is) in a place called Ann Arbor. It looks like they had a lot of fun!

See you later!

For information about the University of Michigan Athletics program, click on the banner above.

Hail to the conquering hereos!
After all, doesn't Michigan ALWAYS win?


Another sellout crowd at the Big House
Football picture
U of M football team
The assembled multitude in the Big House. 110, 803 on this day to be exact!
The mighty Maize and Blue.
Football picture
Picture of Angie
Scoreboard picture
The kick is's good!
Don't you have anything better to take pictures of?
A fortelling of things to come for the visitors.
U of M Marching Band
U of M Marching Band on the field
U of M Marching Band performing
The U of M Marching Band...
preparing to take the field.
Doin' their stuff.
Traveling Spirit Band
Band close up picture
Team spirit up close and personal.
Click here for a short U of M band treat.
QuickTime required.

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This site created and maintained on a Macintosh! Apple Store link

All original works on this site are copyright © 2004 Phillip A Barker, Jr, (except where noted or owned by others), and are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.
*Emperor penguin chick photo courtesy of Guillaume Dargaud

Go Blue banner is the property of the University of Michigan.