penguin chick pictureHI EVERYBODY!!

There aren't a lot of choices of places (or things for that matter) to eat down here. Apparently the same can't be said of the Hawaiian island of Kaua'i. I wonder if they serve penguins?

See you later!

Kaua'i is a much more laid back place then O'ahu. Especially when it comes to places to go and so on.
There is much more emphasis on local establishments.
Which isn't to say that the don't court the tourists. Duke's is kinda like that, except it's actually worth going to.

Duke's at the Kaua'i Marriott
A couple of views
at the sunken dining area
A great view of Kalapaki Beach
The Hula Pie is a big deal
A REALLY big deal
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All original works on this site are copyright © 2004 Phillip A Barker, Jr, (except where noted or owned by others), and are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.
*Emperor penguin chick photo courtesy of Guillaume Dargaud