penguin chick pictureHI EVERYBODY!!

First thing every morning on board the Ocean Princess, Phil and Angie would find a newsletter called the Princess Patter, which would tell them about the days' activities.  So they decided to do that for you here.  Pretty clever huh. 

See you later!

For information about Princess Cruises, click the banner above.

Day 8 - Seward & Anchorage, Alaska

September 9, 2000

Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska
A nice view from an uncomfortable bus on the way to Anchorage.
Not much to do while waiting to go to Anchorage Airport but play cards.
The life-size Lego construction set, also known as the Anchorage Airport.
Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage, Alaska
The Security checkpoint.
The airport isn't really open, so why should Security be?
Not much more to say.
Anchorage, Alaska
Unless you really enjoy spending upwards of 5 hours in an airport with nothing to do, take a southbound cruise!  That way you see only the good parts of this portion of the trip.

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All original works on this site are copyright © 2004 Phillip A Barker, Jr, (except where noted or owned by others), and are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.
*Emperor penguin chick photo courtesy of Guillaume Dargaud
Princess Patter banner is the property of Princess Cruises