penguin chick pictureHI EVERYBODY!!

The night before the 4th of July, there is this huge fireworks display at the Taste that EVERYBODY goes to.  These are some of the pictures Phil and Angie took there.

See you later!

Taste of Chicago...
the Fireworks

The fireworks display at the Taste is such a big draw that Chicago has to have theirs on the 3rd of July.  This gives people a chance to go to the smaller ones in the other towns on the 4th!

Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Our personal skywindow.  A peaceful setting from which to watch the evenings' festivities.
Except for the people eating and such in Grant Park, a seemingly normal nighttime along Lake Shore Drive.
Enter Luna, the night magician, entrusted with showcasing tonights' entertainment.  Her appearance changes what once was a 9-lane divided highway...
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
into a place where people of all walks of life can congregate...
and await the nights entertainment.
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Is it time yet?
An anxiousness begins to sweep the crowd.
The moon casts a spell upon the shores of Lake Michigan.
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
However, even Luna's magic must give way to emergency vehicles.
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Like two bright eyes peeking out above the thicket we sit behind.
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
A tri-star burst filling the night sky!
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
A firey weeping willow.
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
A small, but bright red burst.
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
A spectacular finish to the night's entertainment!
Just sitting back..watching the world go bye.
Taste of Chicago fireworks picture
Now where did we park?

No visit to Taste is complete without a sampling of the food they have to offer.
Click here to wet your appetite!

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All original works on this site are copyright © 2004 Phillip A Barker, Jr, (except where noted or owned by others), and are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.
*Emperor penguin chick photo courtesy of Guillaume Dargaud